Fastest Way to Upload Products on Instagram

Desire to know how to set up Instagram shopping so you can get more than sales?

With 60% of its users proverb they notice new products on Instagram, Instagram shopping is an effective mode to engage with your customers.

Setting up Instagram Shopping on both Instagram andyour website encourages your customers to easily click on links to buy your products.

To help you heave your sales and conversions that style, we'll show you how you tin can prepare Instagram Shopping — even if you're not tech-savvy.

Since this commodity is packed with tons of helpful tips, nosotros've organized it into several sections for you.

Feel free to click on a specific department to skip alee:

  • What is Instagram Shopping?
  • Pros and Cons of Setting Upwardly Instagram Shopping
  • Can You Gear up Up Instagram Shopping on Your Website?
  • two Methods to Set up Upwardly Instagram Shopping
  • How to Plough On Instagram Shopping on Your Instagram Account
  • How to Set up Instagram Shopping on Your Website

First, let's find out exactly what Instagram Shopping is.

Or you lot tin can click here to skip ahead to the tutorial.

Instagram Shopping lets you combine your product itemize and pricing with your Instagram account. That fashion, you can turn your Instagram account into a storefront.

Past tagging products on your shoppable posts, you can promote your products directly to Instagram users to increment your sales.

Correct at present, the Instagram Shopping feature allows you to put up to 5 shopping tags per epitome or up to 20 products per multi-epitome mail service.

For case, users browsing your Instagram business relationship can see your post with a View Products icon on information technology.

Once they tap on the icon, they tin can run across the name of the production, product clarification, and cost of the products tagged in the shopping posts.

view product info instagram shopping example

If they continue tapping, they're directed to a link to your Instagram store where you lot can show all of your products.

Visitors can then use the View on website button to become to your site and buy the product.

buy your products instagram shopping

This buying feel sounds perfect, doesn't it? But is setting upwards Instagram Shopping the all-time fit for your e-commerce business?

Let'south discover out by talking about its advantages and disadvantages below.

Pros of Instagram Shopping

If y'all fix Instagram Shopping, you can enjoy tons of benefits like:

1. Easier buying experience

In one case Instagram users tap on your product, they can come across its product list folio with the production details and price.

Borer over again automatically directs them to your website, where they can buy your product and finish the e-commerce transaction via the checkout.

ii. College chances of users buying from yous

When yous tag a product in a post, it'southward included in Instagram's Shop tab. You can besides put your shoppable posts on your Instagram stories.

People can besides open up your Instagram store directly from your profile and bank check out what to buy.


Since Instagram users spend 85% of their time exploring new products, they tin can meet your shoppable posts while they're in "buying mode."

Cons of Instagram Shopping

Now that y'all know its benefits, it'due south time to make shoppable posts, right?

Not notwithstanding, actually. You demand to set up Instagram Shopping for your account outset.

Before you tin can do so, let's talk about its several disadvantages, also:

1. Limited availability to businesses

Non all brands can fix up Instagram Shopping for their account. You need to pass Instagram's requirements first.

2. Instagram'south Requirements to Set up Up Instagram Shopping

  • Have the latest version of the Instagram app.
  • Convert your Instagram account into a business organisation contour.
  • Exist an admin on a Facebook page or Facebook Business organisation Manager account.
  • Take an eligible product catalog connected with a Facebook shop for your Instagram shop online.
  • Become through the complex process of domain verification.
  • Follow all of Instagram'south commerce policies.

Passing Instagram's requirements isn't the just challenge:

3. Limited to selling allowed physical goods only

If yous're a service-centered business concern, you can't use Instagram Shopping since you're non in a supported market.

Likewise, in setting upward shopping for Instagram, you can only tag physical products, and so it's non applicable for all marketers. Information technology's by and large for product retailers.

4. Not all countries accept Instagram Shopping eligibility

If your business organization isn't in the post-obit countries, you are not eligible for Instagram shopping. So, your Instagram posts can't have tagged products.

instagram shopping supported countries

5. Instagram controls the style you sell

If you don't meet their requirements, you tin can't commencement selling on Instagram since they take total command.

Also, yous may get approved at first, but if they believe that yous've failed to meet their requirements, they tin can disable your account at whatsoever time, even after you set up store on Instagram.

At present, reading almost these cons may crusade you to ask: "Since it'southward difficult to tag my products on my Instagram account, can I easily add shoppable Instagram posts on my website instead?"

If your business organisation isn't located in Instagram's listing…

Or if you're not qualified, or your account is not approved by Instagram…

Or if you lot want to have total control over the way you sell products to your customers…

Then, yes. In that location'southward another way you lot tin can create shoppable Instagram posts.

How? It'southward by using a height-rated WordPress plugin to help you ready Instagram shopping on your website.

This way, you don't need to have a Facebook catalog, a product catalog, or even a Facebook business concern page to help you lot pass Instagram's strict eligibility requirements.

You just need your WordPress website, a trusted WordPress plugin, and your Instagram account so yous can start making coin from your shoppable Instagram posts.

It's like your very own Instagram checkout, right at your website. And it works on your site, whether you have a creator account or business profile.

Equally a outcome, your website can be your own due east-commerce platform — fifty-fifty if you lot don't have a Shopify or BigCommerce account!

Then you can get tons of sales from your new WordPress Instagram shop.

Want to know how to prepare Instagram shopping? You tin make shoppable Instagram posts on:

1. Your Instagram account:

You demand to meet Instagram'due south requirements and apply and wait for their approving first.

Then, you create a shoppable feed on your Instagram account where images in your feed link to your website; or,

2. Your ain website:

Using a WordPress plugin, you lot can gear up Instagram shopping on your site by making a shoppable feed on your website.

Shoppable images have links that people can click on to purchase your products.

Since you'll display the shoppable feed on your website, you can control the links that people click on to buy from yous.

This method helps you create another platform for your sales channel so you tin can make more money for your business.

Once you lot've applied and Instagram has successfully approved your business relationship, yous tin can turn on the product-tagging feature from the Instagram app past following the steps below:

  • On the top-right corner of your Instagram business account, tap the 3 lines so y'all can edit your profile.
open instagram settings
  • Tap Settings, then tapBusiness.
open instagram business settings shoppable feeds
  • Then, if your account is approved for Instagram Shopping, tap Shopping. If your account isn't approved, you won't see this.
  • TapContinue to select a product catalog to connect to your business account.
  • Finally, tapDoneto turn on Instagram Shopping for your account.

Now that yous've turned on Instagram Shopping for your business relationship, you can get-go tagging your products in your Instagram posts.

How to Add Products to Instagram Shop Using Tags

To make shoppable Instagram posts where you tin tag products, follow the steps below:

  • Go to your Instagram business concern profile. Create a new post and add a explanation so yous tin can add together product information.
  • Then, tap on Tag Products. After this, tap on the section of the photo where you want to place the product tag.
tag products instagram shopping
  • Search for the product past typing its proper name on the search bar. Then, select information technology.
  • TapDoneand finally,Share, to postal service it on your Instagram account.

Already know how to install Instagram Shopping and tag products on your Instagram post? Neat!

Let's movement on to setting up Instagram Shopping on your website.

Instead of making a shoppable feed on Instagram and linking them to your website, why non make a shoppable feed on your website and link them to another page on your site?

That way, website visitors tin can shop from Instagram feeds on your site.

In this guide, we'll show you how to use a WordPress plugin like Instagram Feed Pro to prepare Instagram shopping on WordPress.

Even if you lot're not an Information technology expert, you can easily display a shoppable feed on your website with the Instagram Feed Pro plugin by Smash Balloon.

Using this plugin, beginners love how hands they can customize how their Instagram feed looks like on their website, even without tackling codes or complicated settings.

best instagram feed pro plugin

Plus, the plugin is also lightweight and makes certain your Instagram feeds are lightning-fast. And with a faster site, you too get better SEO.

With over ane,000,000 agile users, the Instagram Feed plugin is the height choice of WordPress users in displaying Instagram content from their accounts on their websites.

Also, with an average rating of 4.nine, it'southward the highest-rated Instagram feed plugin for WordPress, so you lot know you're in great hands.

reviews instagram feed pro plugin

Ready to display shoppable Instagram posts on your website? Follow the step past step guide below:

Stride 1: Install the Instagram Feed Plugin

To commencement, yous can go your re-create of Instagram Feed Pro here past downloading it to your computer.

Then, upload the plugin to your WordPress website and actuate it.

If you're not sure how to do this, cheque out this step-past-step tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin to your website.

Step 2: Create a New Instagram Feed

Yous can now employ the Instagram Feed Pro plugin to create a new feed for your site.

First, navigate to the Instagram Feed » All Feeds menu from your admin dashboard area.

Then click on Add New to create your Instagram feed.

create new feed instagram feed pro

After that, Instagram Feed Pro volition ask you to option your feed type.

Here, select the User Timeline option to evidence your own Instagram posts and then click on the Next button.

select user timeline create shoppable instagram feed

Yous now have a new Instagram feed on your website — just like that.

Afterwards this, you can go to step three and connect this feed to your own Instagram account.

Step iii: Connect Your Instagram Account

If you want to show Instagram content using your feed, you lot can connect information technology to your Instagram account here.

To go started, showtime, click on the Add together Source button.

instagram add source for feed

At that place are 2 types of Instagram accounts that yous tin can pick from: Personal or Concern.

A personal account is limited and can but show basic posts from Instagram. To enable Instagram shopping on your website, you can connect to yourbusinessaccount instead.

To continue, select the Business account type so click on the Login with Facebook button.

select business account instagram

After that, just select your Instagram account from the popup and and so click on Next.

select your instagram account

You can also connect your Facebook page here. Simply select a page from the options and click onNextonce more.

select facebook page to enable instagram shopping

Now, you lot tin can give the plugin read-simply access to your account. Using that admission, it volition view your Instagram content but can't make whatsoever changes.

As a outcome, Boom Balloon is completely safe.

Simply click on the Allowbutton here to go on.

allow access to instagram feed pro

In one case yous do that, the plugin volition send you back to your WordPress website. In that location, you tin finish connecting your Instagram account by clicking on the Nextbutton.

confirm account as source for instagram feed

Equally you can come across, information technology's super easy to create a new feed and connect information technology to Instagram using this plugin.

Afterwards that, information technology's fourth dimension for step 4, where yous activate Instagram shopping for your new feed.

Stride four: Enable Instagram Shopping

You can now see your newly created Instagram feed in the live feed editor.

On the left side of the screen, you've got options to customize your feed layout, colour scheme, header style, button style, and more than.

Whenever y'all brand any changes, you can see how your Instagram feed looks using the live preview on the right.

live feed editor instagram feed

To enable Instagram shopping, get-go, go to the Settings option at the top and then click on Shoppable Feed.

go to shoppable feeds

And then click on Enable to activate Instagram shopping for this feed. You can now connect your Instagram posts to a custom URL.

Desire to see how to do that? Just click on the Add together button on top of any Instagram post.

enable shoppable instagram feed

On the left, enter your URL in the Production Link field and click on Add.

Your visitors tin can now click on your Instagram postal service to open up this URL.

add url instagram feed

Now click on the Save button to confirm your changes.

Merely like that, you can connect each of your Instagram posts to a link. Once you're done calculation your links, click on the Relieve button to confirm the changes.

With that, you can move on to step five and customize the design of your new shoppable Instagram feed.

Stride 5: Customize Your Shoppable Instagram Feed

Using the remaining options in the live feed editor, you tin can easily customize the design of your Instagram feed.

To get started, click on the Customize choice at the top to return to the main options.

return to customization options

After that, you tin click on Feed Layout and alter the overall layout of your shoppable Instagram feed.

feed layout for shoppable instagram feeds

Yous've got iv different Instagram feed layouts that you can apply: Grid, Carousel, Masonry, and Highlight.

feed layout options instagram feed pro

Start, we have the Filigree layout that shows your Instagram posts in neat squares. That mode, you tin can have tons of Instagram content on your page at in one case.

grid layout for shoppable instagram feed

Next, there's the Carousel layout that uses a beautiful Instagram slider to show your photos and videos.

This interactive slider can make your page more engaging as well.

carousel layout instagram feed pro

You lot tin can also pick the Masonry layout and prove your posts in different columns. Plus, this layout also keeps the original proportions of your Instagram posts.

masonry layout for instagram shopping

Desire to put all the focus on your Instagram posts? Then pick the Highlight layout which removes the likes and comments from your Instagram feed.

You lot tin also make specific posts more than visible with this layout, so information technology's a great way to highlight your best product photos.

highlights layout instagram feed

Select your Instagram feed blazon from these options, and and so click on the Save button to confirm your changes.

To customize the rest of your Instagram feed, click on the small Customizebutton at the top.

return to main customization options

Once you're back on the main options, click on Color Scheme to proceed.

click on color scheme option

From here, you can hands change the colors of your feed by picking from 4 colour schemes:

  • Inherit from Theme: Automatically copy the colors of your website
  • Light: Apply a calorie-free colour for the background and a dark color for the font
  • Dark: Pick a darker background and a lite font for your Instagram feed
  • Custom: Cull the colors of your Instagram feed yourself
color scheme options instagram feed pro

Subsequently selecting a color scheme that y'all adopt, click on Salveonce again.

With this live feed editor, yous can now customize your header style, feed size, buttons, lightbox fashion, and much more in simply a few elementary clicks — no need to touch a single line of lawmaking.

Don't forget to click on Saveonce you're done with the customization.

Finally, you can go to step 6 and embed the shoppable Instagram feed on your WordPress website.

Step 6: Embed Your Shoppable Instagram Feed on Your Website

Since the plugin works seamlessly with WordPress, it'southward super like shooting fish in a barrel to display your shoppable Instagram feed on your website.

To embed this Instagram feed, you can choose from 2 methods:

  • Embed shoppable Instagram feed on a folio
  • Embed shoppable Instagram feed on a sidebar or footer

Embed Shoppable Instagram Feed on a Page

From the live feed editor, yous can directly embed your Instagram feed in a few clicks.

Kickoff, click on the Embed button at the top.

embed instagram feed

At present you'll run across a popup that asks where yous desire to embed your shoppable Instagram feed.

From the options, click on the Add to a Page button.

add instagram feed to page instagram feed proadd instagram feed to page instagram feed pro

Once you do that, Instagram Feed Pro volition evidence yous a list of your WordPress pages.

Select the page where you want to embed your shoppable Instagram feed and and then click on Add together.

add instagram feed to a wordpress page

After that, the plugin will redirect yous to that WordPress page so yous can embed your Instagram feed.

On the page, add a new content block by clicking on the small plus (+) icon.

add new wordpress block

Next, type "Instagram" in the search bar here and select the Instagram Feed block from the results.

embed instagram feed page

Finally, click on Publishto embed the shoppable Instagram feed on your WordPress page. You can even open your site to check how it looks now.

shoppable instagram feed example

Permit'due south accept a wait at the next way to embed shoppable Instagram feeds on your WordPress website.

Embed Shoppable Instagram Feed on a Sidebar or Footer

You can also add together a shoppable Instagram feed as a widget on your website's sidebar or footer.

To do this, use your WordPress dashboard to open the Instagram Feed » All Feedsmenu.

On this page, yous tin now see all the Instagram feeds that you've created. Simply click on the shoppable Instagram feed from earlier to proceed.

open shoppable instagram feed

Doing that volition open up the live feed editor once again. To proceed, click on the Embedbutton at the height.

embed instagram feed

Over again, y'all'll see a popup where you tin ready the location of your shoppable Instagram feed.

This time click on the Add to a Widget button.

add instagram feed to widget instagram feed proadd instagram feed to widget instagram feed pro

Instagram Feed Pro will now open the Widgets page of your WordPress site. You can add, remove, and manage all of your widgets from here.

To continue, click on the Sidebar panel.

open sidebar panel to embed social media widget

If you desire to embed your Instagram feed on your footer, click on theFooterpanel instead.

For now, we'll utilize the sidebar to show you how to embed your shoppable Instagram widget.

open footer panel to embed social media widget

On the console, add together a new widget by clicking on the plus icon (+) and then click on the Instagram Feed widget.

add instagram widget to your sidebar

Finally, click onUpdate to make your shoppable Instagram feed active on your website.

Now you can open your website and check out your WordPress Instagram shop!

sidebar shoppable widget

And then, there y'all accept it.

Yous've merely learned how to easily prepare Instagram Shopping both on your Instagram account and on your website.

Now, you tin can offer your products direct to your customers by displaying a customizable Instagram shopping feed on WordPress.

What are you waiting for?

Go started with Instagram Feed Pro today.

Or if you wantunlimited accessto Smash Airship plugins then you can use them onunlimited websites, go ahead and get the All Access bundle here.

The great function about Blast Balloon'due south pricing method? Information technology comes with a 100% no-risk coin-back guarantee, so you lot can try out the plugins first and see if information technology'due south a good fit for you.

Want to brandish an Instagram hashtag feed on your website using your branded hashtags? Accept a look at this post on how to add an Instagram hashtag feed to WordPress.

Interested in converting customers and influencers into your very own brand ambassadors? Check out our next post on how to plow your website visitors into brand ambassadors today.

If y'all enjoyed this article, feel free to follow united states of america on Twitter and Facebook for more social media marketing tutorials.


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